Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Thumbnails are mini versions of a printed document.


A Built - In Microsoft Office Thesaurus allows users to search for synonyms without leaving the document.


A Template is a spreadsheet in which all cells have been defined but nothing is entered.


Superscripts are symbols written above a line. An example of a superscript is an exponent.


In Microsoft Word, there are numerous styles to apply to your document. Style helps the author attract the document to viewers.

Sizing Handles

Sizing Handles allows users to click and drag on the indicator to resize and image.


A Header is a unit of information that precess a data object.

Hard Column Break

Hard Column breaks are the opposite of Soft Column Break. Column Breaks are found mostly in Newspaper Articles.


Graphics are similar to pictures (images).                              

Monday, April 26, 2010


Footnotes are notes placed on the bottom of a Document.


Footers are one or more lines of texts that are present in the bottom of a Document Page.


Endnotes are annotations placed at the end of a document.

Drawing Objects

Drawing Objects are tools used to help the user successfully make an image.

Drawing Canvas

Drawing Canvas's creates a fixed sized drawing surface that exposes one or more rendering contexts.

Desktop Publishing

Desktop Publishing allows the user to produce high quality printed documents using numerous typefaces and margins.


Cropping is a way of eliminating sides of an image to make it proper size or eliminating an unwanted part.

Clip Art

Clip Art are ready made computerized graphic arts used in a Documents. Clip Art attracts readers to a document.


A Banner is a rectangular box placed on Web Site that's linked to an advertisers ideas.

Friday, April 16, 2010


·         Cover Page
·         Blank Page
·         Page Break

·         Tables
·         Picture
·         Clip Art
·         Shapes
·         Smart Art
·         Chart

·         Hperlink
·         Bookmark
·         Cross-Refrence

Header & Footer
·         Header
·         Footer
·         Page Number

·         Text Book
·         Quickpants
·         Word Art
·         Drop Cap
·         Signature Line
·         Date & Time
·         Object

·         Equation
·         Symbol

Thursday, April 15, 2010


A column is the opposite of rows, meaning that instead of being horizontal, it's vertical.


Rows are horizontal groups of cells in a worksheet.


In a table, a cell is a single box in which you can enter data in.


A Table is a way to organize information/data using rows and columns.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Soft Page Break

Soft Page Break is a place in a document that automatically separates a page.

Portrait Orientation

Portrait Orientation is the opposite of Landscape. It's also the Default Orientation for Documents


Points are used to measure the height of characters.

Overtype Mode

When typing letters, the Over Type allows other words to type over previously written words. Hitting the Insert Button will deactivate this.

Landscape Orientation

Landscape Orientation is the opposite of Portrait. A Document can also be written on Landscape Orientation aside from Portrait.

Insert Mode

Insert Mode inserts all characters you type at the cursor position.

Hard Page Break

A Hard Page Break is a code or symbol inserted in a document that tells the software to stop printing on that page and start a new one.

Hanging Indent

A Hanging Indent is when all the lines in a paragraph is indented, but not the first line.

Format Painter

Format Painter is the way of copy formatting from one place and applying it to another place.


Format is the preparation of storing, usually a disk.


Font is the design for a set of characters. Fonts are the "main thing" when typing a Document.

First Line Indent

First Line Indent is used in Word Processing Documents. By pressing the Tab Button, you can get a First Line Indent. First Line Indents are on the first line of each paragraph.

Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop is the ability to move an icon or other image and display screen.


A Clipboard is a special file where data is stored temporarily before copied,


Attributes defines the property of an object.


Alignment is an adjustment to a line.